
Axel Dietrich

Troia - New Heros

From traditional epic

Achill is a humanist and waropposit. He is more and more involved into the Troian war against his wish. He has to change his point of view with the death of his friend Patroklos and he becomes a avenger. He can't realize the fraud of the Allies. Achill had a serious relation to his women slave Briseiis during the 10 years of the war. They marry at the end of the story.

Agamemnon is the leader of the Greek force. He want to decide all in best way for the alliance. But he isn't able to do so, because he gives right only himself or his brother Menelaos. Agamemnon may stop war, but he doesn't. He is the only one of the Greek hero's finding natural death.

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German edition: ISBN    3-8311-0297-X
